YEAH for green! It really snuk up on us this year. Usually we are adequately prepared for this lovely occasion, but this year we were lacking; not only enough green hairspray, but also accessories. Shame on us.
(Aims and I did our hair last thats why we have so little color)
A little *mostly unknown* history of our family; dispite all appearances, we are only a tiny bit Irish. However, my family has been involved - or immersed - in Irish-ness since Aims and Savvy started Irish dance. We would faithfully and eagerly join the St. Pattie's Day Parade every year, dressed up and hairsprayed green. Then came a sad day. The girls stopped dancing. We continued to attend the parade until last year when we became too busy. Now it is to the point where we almost forgot about our green! We were saved just in time for everyone to be done-up for CYT. YEAH!
Merriam-Websters Word of the Day:
crwth: \KROOTH (rhymes with “booth”)\ noun
: an ancient Celtic stringed instrument that is plucked or bowed
: an ancient Celtic stringed instrument that is plucked or bowed
Example sentence:
“He intricately rhymes, to the music of crwth and pibgorn, all night long.” (Dylan Thomas, Under Milk Wood)
Did you know?
“Crwth” is the Welsh name for an ancient Celtic instrument that is similar to a violin. In Middle English, the instrument’s name was spelled “crouth” before metamorphosing to “crowd,” a word still used in some dialects of England to refer to a violin. The Welsh word can also refer to a swelling or bulging body, and we can speculate that it came to be used for the instrument because of the violin’s bulging shape. Other Celtic words for “violin” also have meanings referring to rounded appearances. In Gaelic, for example, “cruit” can mean “harp” or “violin” as well as “hump” or “hunch.” As a final note, we would like to mention (in case you were wondering) that a pibgorn is an ancient wind instrument similar to the hornpipe; its name comes from the Welsh word “pib,” meaning “pipe,” and “corn,” meaning “horn.” (Merriam-Websters Word of the Day, MArch 17th, 2008)
You learn something new, every day!
Hope everyone has a great day and don't forget to wear green - we're the pinching type.
Love the green hair! That's a great picture.
I haven't told you yet, but I love every single picture you take! They are amazing!! Keep it up.
SUCH good pictures of you guys! How fun. Celebrating holidays in crazy ways are one of my favorite things about my family. We didn't do it this time, but many a Saint Patrick's Day has been a fancy dinner ordeal, and then a push-back-the-table-roll-up-the-rug- and-jig-and-dance-to-Thistle&Shamrock on-WCPE-time. Ooooh yeah.
Thanks for sharing your greenness to us!
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